Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More from Mongolia

The women worked together inside the ger for some time, chatting and talking, while they cleaned out the intestines and the stomach -- some really nasty work. Later, one of the city women carried the pan out on the steppe, in her heels, to empty it and clean it.

Donya considers the entrails.

We don't know why they put two in the car and had one slaughtered.

I couldn't watch the actual killing. Here they are conferring over butchering.

Women drove out there from the city. They were very fashionable and modern, but it is the custom to have a sheep slaughtered for a special occasion, such as a wedding or a big birthday celebration. The shepherd/slaughterer has put the sheep in a bag to drag it away from the herd.

This one wonders if he's next...

Let's go back to the ger for a few more pictures:

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