Friday, October 24, 2008

More Thoughts on Chinese Toilets

Squatting means never touching the seat at all -- actually more hygenic than sitting down.
Good position. Conducive, if you know what I mean.
Builds thigh muscles.
It's a good place to organize your money without anyone watching.
Most of them flush automatically. You don't even have to touch a handle.
Almost all of the bathrooms have sinks and hand dryers that turn on automatically as well. Great germ control. No paper trash.
All this makes the fact that most of the bathrooms smell bad, some are disgusting, and the fact that you are expected to put your used toilet paper into a trash can next to the toilet rather than flush it, irrelevent. Sort of.

PS If you're ever going to Mongolia, go to China first. You'll be so grateful for the western bathrooms in Mongolia, the poor food and broken sidewalks and high prices there won't seem so bad.

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