Thursday, March 4, 2010

Baden Baden then Up Up Up into the Swiss Alps

We are in Kandersteg, high in the Alps. It only took about a half hour of nose bleed and shortness of breath to adjust... Then, a stroll through this tiny ski town. We browsed this art in a street window, met the artist and her old Jack Russell, and took a picture. Note the mountain reflection in the window.

Well, it came out sideways, but (after an easy trip on impeccable German roads) Greetings from Switzerland! By the way, it's snowing.
Of course we had to stop in a classic German bakery, where the linzer torte smiled at us. I wish I didn't feel just a tiny bit creepy every where I go in this country.

And in the same restaurant, our lil 'ol Mississippi girl had her very own pickaninny.

After the baths (no pictures) we had dinner in a little Czech/German restaurant. The ceiling was hung with antique instruments from an old oompah band. In the corner was a little kitchy homage to a lost community-- a bad painting of a klezmer band.

from Baden Baden up up up into the Swiss Alps

A night at the BadenBaden baths

Susasn here:
We found one of the older bath houses in Baden Baden and took the hot and cold plunges, plus a salt scrub. It was soooo refreshing. Afterwards I had liver dumplings with sauerbraten. Many crazy turns later we finally crashed. Todday we are in snow in the Berner Oberland, Kandersteg Switzerland.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Now looking for the baths in Baden-Baden

Susan here:

After a very quiet flight to Franfurt, I took control of our petite hyundai and hit the autobahn. Leah promises to learn to drive a stick before our next trip. A sunny, clear drive and time for a glass of wine. Too bad the vineyard above our gasthaus is not with fruit.

Time to soak.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We're Off!

Sitting on the floor at the Lufthansa gate. Gotta be plugged in, because I didn't get a new battery and this one won't hold a charge. Leah's asleep in her chair. Must wake her to board. So many rollerboards at head level when you sit this low.

Will be in Frankfurt in ten hours.